H2O2 Has So Many Uses

American Purity, Naturally Delivered.

The possibilities are Almost Endless!

Hydrogen Peroxide is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid. This is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen and is available in many strengths, pertaining to the dilution of water. This hydrogen peroxide is called “food grade” because it doesn’t contain: acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, stabalizers, like the ones in the brown bottles. No matter the dilution — even if food grade 35 percent H2O2 — you should never drink any hydrogen peroxide.
IMPORTANT! Never store Hydrogen Peroxide of any kind where a child can get to it. Never use a higher concentrate than 3%. Higher concentrate can result in burns to the skin, eyes, throat, and damages to surfaces, especially metals.  

Common percentages and uses:
3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: everyday household use.
6% – 10% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: Hair Bleaching.
90%: Manufacturing.


Around the house Food Grade

Start by one cup of 34.5% Concentrate Peroxide per 500 gallons of water. For ongoing maintenance, administer 2-4 ounces of 34.5% peroxide weekly, adjusting based on usage and sunlight exposure on the water. This recommended regimen serves as an effective alternative to chlorine for optimal results.


Using our 3% or diluted 34.5%, H2O2 can be a great cleaner and disinfectant of dishwashers and clothes washers.


Using our 3% or diluted 34.5%, can be used to clean and disinfect a coffee maker. *Warning, make sure the appliance is thoroughly rinsed before use.


Using our 3% or diluted 34.5%, is great for disinfecting your car’s interiors, especially for ride sharing vehicles. Make sure to test on an inconspicuous area first to avoid any potential discoloration or damage.


Never worry about residue from harsh chemicals again! We all know bleach is a great disinfectant, but bleach leaves a residue that can mix up with foods. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide dries with no residue, and unlike Alcohol, HP stays wet long enough to kill all bacterial!
Simple spay surfaces with 3% HP and start cleaning!


Using our 3% or diluted 34.5%, H2O2 is a great all natural way of cleaning kitchen counters and bathroom vanities. It can be used to clean and disinfect kitchen countertops. Caution, it should not be used on certain materials like marble, which it can discolor or etch.


You read that right, SAFELY disinfect your child’s toys.

Using our 3% or diluted 34.5%, H2O2, clean the toys as you normally would. Make sure any toy is thoroughly rinsed before allowing child to play with it.


Using our 3% or diluted 34.5% Hydrogen Peroxide, you can replace the use of bleach! Just add in about 1 cup of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.

  • Small loads: 1/4 – 1/2 cup
  • Med Load: 1/2 – 3/4 cup
  • Large Loads: 3/4 – 1 cup

Adding Food Grade hydrogen peroxide to a humidifier or vaporizer can have many benefits including, enhancing nighttime breathing and clearing congested sinuses.

To do so, add 1 tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, per gallon of water (distilled water is recommended)

*Note: Please be aware that while it is safe to breathe hydrogen peroxide indirectly, direct inhalation is not advised. Avoid inhaling it by placing your nose directly over a bottle or using liquid hydrogen peroxide in devices such as nebulizers, inhalers, dehumidifiers, or vaporizers.


When we get produce from the supermarket, it seems innocently safe. But that’s not true. Many fruits and veggies are coated in wax or chemicals to preserve their shelf life. Of course less waste is a good thing, but eating these preservatives are not. A quick rinse in the sink isn’t always good enough. But a rinse or soak with 3% FG HP will certainly due the job. As said by one of our clients “you can see it eating the wax coating right off the apples!”


  • Tadiran. (2021, December 15). Hydrogen Peroxide air purification: Is it safe? Retrieved January 1, 2024, from https://www.tadiran-international.com/hydrogen-peroxide-air-purification-is-it-safe/

Personal Care

Want a massive boost of energy without the crash? Mix 1 cup of 34.5% HP into a filled bathtub of water! Soak for about 30 mins and experience natural, oxy powered energy!

*Be cautious not to get the 34.5% concentrate HP directly on the skin or other surface.


Using our 3% or diluted 34.5% Hydrogen Peroxide, can have potiential benefits to anal and vaginal health, such as helping BV and prostate cancer.

To use: mix 5 tablespoons per 1 quart (32) ounces of distilled water.

*This information has not been evaluated by the FDA, consult your doctor before trying alternatives.


3% or diluted 34.5% Food Grade HP, can be used for many oral hygiene remedies, from teeth whitening or oral rinse!

Oral Rinse / Teeth Whitening:

  • Everyday use, mix 3% HP with 12oz bottle of water, rise as usual.


  • Mix a few drops of 3% HP with baking soda to create a paste.

** Use caution as long-term use can result in damage to gums and other oral damage, consult with your dentist.


When you don’t have a bathtub, you can still reap the benefits of a bath soak! When exiting the shower, mist our 3% or diluted 34.5% Hydrogen Peroxide on the body and experience the same affects.

*Never do this is full 34.5% HP, always ensure it’s no more than a 3% concentrate.


Our 3% or diluted 34.5% Hydrogen Peroxide, can help clear up acne and other facial issues. It’s super easy, just dab 3% HP onto a cotton ball, and apply to affected areas of the face.


Soaking feet and hands in our 3% or diluted 34.5% HP can have many benefits, such as treating athlete’s foot and fugal infections. Another benefit is soaking can whiten up brown / yellowing nails!

To do so, simply soak feet and/or hands in 3% HP for about 15 mins, until the problems resolve.

*Be cautious not to get the 34.5% concentrate HP directly on the skin or other surface. Always dilute 34.5% to 3%, never use higher than 3%.


  • Frothingham, S. (2018, April 16). Food grade hydrogen peroxide: Suggested uses and warnings. Healthline. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from https://www.healthline.com/health/food-grade-hydrogen-peroxide#uses

Warnings and Information

    1. While Food Grade is a natural product, it can be very harmful if misused.
    2. Never use 34.5% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at its full concentration, this can cause all sorts of issues. Always dilute to 3% before using it. Diluting Hydrogen Peroxide is very easy. To start, use a container and mark exactly what is going in it so it’s never confused. Make sure the container is HDPE or PET plastic, never use metal of any kind. To dilute the peroxide, you will use 1 part peroxide to 11 parts water. Distilled water is highly encouraged.
    3. Never “sniff” or inhale hydrogen peroxide as this can cause sore throat, cough, nausea, dizziness, headache, and shortness of breath, if you’ve inhaled 34.5% hydrogen peroxide, contact your doctor.
    4. Avoid direct skin contact with concentrated 34.5% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide as this can cause whiteness, skin burns, redness, and pain. If your skin is exposed, immediately rise with cool water and soap for at least 10 minutes and seek medical attention.
    5. Avoid eye contact. Food grade hydrogen peroxide can be corrosive to the eyes, possibly resulting in pain, redness, blurred vision, severe, deep burns, and corneal ulceration. If your eyes are splashed with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, immediately rise with cool running water for at least 15 minutes and seek immediate medical care.
    6. Avoid Drinking or Ingesting. Never ingest 34.5% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, this can result in sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and possibly internal bleeding. If you have ingested food grade hydrogen peroxide drink as much water as possible and seek immediate medical attention.
    7. If you intend to use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide for any type of medical treatment, you should consult with your doctor first.

    *Frothingham, S. (2018, April 16). Food grade hydrogen peroxide: Suggested uses and warnings. Healthline. Retrieved June 28, 2024, from https://www.healthline.com/health/food-grade-hydrogen-peroxide#home-remedies
    Medically Reviewed By Natalie Olsen, RD, LC, ACSM EP-C – April 13, 2018

Disposal Information

For concentrations of 3% hydrogen peroxide, it is generally safe to flush small amounts down the drain. However, always check local guidelines to ensure compliance with disposal regulations.

If you are dealing with higher concentrations, such as our 34.5% hydrogen peroxide, it is crucial to dilute it properly before disposal. We recommend diluting the solution to 3% in a large plastic bucket before flushing it down the drain.

For businesses working with large quantities, further steps may be required. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down naturally into water and oxygen, but you can speed up this process by using neutralizing agents such as sodium sulfite or sodium metabisulfite. Once neutralized, the solution is no longer hazardous and can be safely disposed of, following local guidelines.

As always, please verify local environmental regulations for safe and compliant disposal.

For questions or guidance on handling or disposal, feel free to contact us directly.